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Worship Schedule  | Sundays 10:30am worship | 
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At Christ Lutheran Church, we realize that the church is not a building or a specific place. The church IS people and relationships, and our faith formation does not just happen inside these walls, but also in our own homes and communities. We are here to help equip families to develop good faith practices at home. 

Below you will find descriptions of the programs we offer for children and youth in different age groups. If you would like for your child or youth to participate, please download and fill out the registration form below and submit it to our church office for processing. Information on Sunday Faith Formation Education Hour locations and times will be available each week in the enews and our bulletin.

 Faith Formation Registration Form

Faith Growers (Pre-K through Grade 5)

This group is divided into two. One is focused on pre-kindergarten through 2nd grade, and the other includes 3rd through 5th graders. Children in both groups learn the stories of the Bible and its significant impact on our lives through age-appropriate lessons. The small classroom sizes encourage relationship building, creativity, and opportunities for socialization among their peers. The classes are taught by passionate, competent, servant-minded leaders who are awaiting the opportunity to be positive role models and demonstrate care.

Middle School (Grades 6-8)

Middle school youth participate in our Confirmation Program. In this program, we use videos, visual aids, and hands-on learning approaches to engage confirmands in meaningful discussion to learn the theology of the Bible. Our goal is that they understand Lutheran principles so they may grow their faith and apply what they learn to their daily life. Classes are taught by our Pastor in collaboration with experienced, adaptable, fun leaders that care about your pre-teen’s personal growth, feelings, and individuality.

High School (Grades 9-12)

Our high school youth program takes into account their busy schedules by providing flexibility to meet at different places and times for discussion as well as providing opportunities to serve. Our teens serve as leaders representing CLCZ by completing service projects throughout the year, such as baking pies for The Caring Center at Thanksgiving and participating in our Day of Service. Domestic mission trips and ELCA National Youth Gatherings are some of the adventures our teens look forward to. Through service, stewardship, and community, our teens learn the expectations God has for them and how to use Biblical principles to resolve daily trials and tribulations.  


Adults are invited to join lively discussions in our Adult Education sessions. We cover a wide array of topics from in depth scriptural study of the gospels, the epistles, and the books of the Old Testament to topics that affect our everyday lives and those of others in our community who need our support. We discuss how our congregation can address relevant social justice challenges and support those who are suffering or marginalized in society such as neglected children and youth, the homeless and the hungry, as well as our BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ brothers and sisters.


Children and Youth Protection Policy
The intent and purpose the Children and Youth Protection Policy at Christ Lutheran Church is to protect all children and youth who participate in activities sponsored by our church, to ensure proper training of all paid and volunteer workers who work with minors and to establish a procedure for reporting any suspicions of child abuse or neglect to authorities in compliance with Indiana laws. to view the Children & Youth Protection Policy in full

 Forms for Working with Children

Indiana Criminal History Check