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Worship Schedule  | Sundays 9:30am worship | 
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Mission Ministry Leadership Team (MMLT)

MMLT Chair - Ted kussow 

The Mission Ministry Leadership Team includes many appointed leaders that help support our ongoing efforts to engage our members and serve the community. Get involved by serving on a network to help plan church events and activities, brainstorm new ideas, coordinate our annual pledge drive, or maintain the church building and property.

Faith Formation - Jeannie Phillips 

Help all members of Christ Lutheran Church to grow in faith in Jesus Christ.

Fellowship - Kristen Hess 

Offer social events that bring people together, like the annual church picnic, Pacer games, and mystery dinners, among many others!

Stewardship - oPEN

Lead the congregation to be gracious stewards of God’s gifts of time, talents and financial resources as God’s servants in the world.

Property - John Burkhardt & Brian Hardesty

Oversee and maintain the facilities and property of the church.

Service Network - Candice Berger 

Lead the service ministry of the congregation with needs awareness, education, and action programs with both local and national organizations, including Lutheran Child and Family Services (LCFS), Zionsville Meadows, The Caring Center, Love, INC, Habitat for Humanity of Boone County, and Indiana Blood Center.

Worship & Music - Barb Burkhardt 

Collaborate with the Pastor and staff in planning and leading our worship life so that all members of the assembly may grow in their faith in Christ and give thanks and praise to God.

Worship Assistants

At Christ Lutheran Church you get to be involved at any age in our worship services in the following ways:

  • Assisting Ministers help lead the worship service.
  • Lectors read the lessons.
  • Communion Assistants help serve communion.
  • Acolytes light candles and assist in communion.
  • Greeters welcome at the front door.
  • Ushers guide worshipers and assist with the offering.
  • Nursery volunteers watch over children during worship.
  • Hospitality volunteers set up refreshments during Education Hour.
  • Financial Assistants count and reconcile the offering.
  • Altar Guild volunteers prepare the sanctuary for worship services.
  • Music Groups accent our worship.

Interested in learning about how to serve in these roles during worship? Visit our page with training videos.


We have many Small Groups that you can join! 

Book Club

We read & discuss one book per month. Plus coffee & treats! 2nd Thursday, 1 pm (September to May) Contact: Gretchen Jeffers

Dinner Groups

Fellowship and devotions with dinner once a month at members’ homes. Contact: Rose Conrad

Elsie’s Circle 

We make and give away Prayer Quilts. We are part of an international group called “Prayers and Squares.”  2nd Thursday, 10am-12pm (September to May  Contact: Linda Callecod

momco (formerly MOPS)

Meets bi-monthly in two different formats: as a large group and for a small discussion group. Contact: Alexandria Scott

Older Wiser Lutherans (OWLs) 

For our members aged 50 and older. The OWLs meet at a local restaurant for lunch once a month after church. Contact: Linda Callecod

Prayer Group

Meets weekly on Tuesdays to pray for those in need. Contact: JoAnne Tuffnell.

Women's Bible Study

We read a book of the bible and discuss it. 1st & 3rd Tuesdays (September-May) Contact: JoAnne Tuffnell